The importance of self-care – Q&A with Laura Cowley (Spa Manager, The Lodge at Kauri Cliffs)

This November, we’ve teamed up with the stunning The Lodge at Kauri Cliffs, a luxury lodge in the picturesque Bay of Islands, for a fantastic giveaway for foodies. We chatted with Spa Manager Laura Cowley about self-care and wellbeing.

The Spa at Kauri Cliffs

Why is self-care so important?

Not giving back to yourself or filling your own cup is the quickest way to burn out. Self-care makes you a better version of yourself that can cope with life’s daily stresses and it helps you to give to others.

How does self-care factor into one’s wellbeing?

Self-care in my opinion is like eating, breathing or exercising. It’s essential to wellbeing. And I think it should be normalised and something we are more comfortable with rather than feeling guilt when we do it.

What are some nice ways that people can pamper themselves at home?

Stress has a huge impact on skin. It will dehydrate you, give you sallow, dull-looking skin and can even increase oil production. For an instant boost, sheet masks are a really popular at home treatment at the moment. They are full of all sorts of antioxidants and hyaluronic acid to give your skin a big drink and pep-up. You can purchase really fantastic quality sheet masks at your local pharmacy which is good in times like these (lockdown or no lockdown, anyone can access).

What is your outlook on wellbeing?

Wellbeing is everything. Mental, physical and emotional. At present there are so many factors/ topics undermining this but on the other hand I feel like there is more understanding and education around what supports our wellbeing. This is exciting as it could be the shift in mindset we all need that I was speaking about in one of my previous questions. To normalise self-care. Lower stress levels and overall help our wellbeing.

What are some of your favourite ways to relax and destress?

Relaxing doesn’t come easy to me unfortunately. I’ve tired anything and everything… so I’ve decided to stop putting pressure on myself to enjoy conventional forms of relaxation like yoga or meditation. I’ve found my version and for me that’s getting in my garden, ignoring my phone and listening to whatever the outdoors brings me. Second to that is enjoying some of our beautiful cycle paths we have here in the North Island for an easy ride. I think that’s a big thing I’ve learnt – find what relaxation means to you and you’ll naturally destress.

What is your advice for foodies who are currently doing the Fresh Start 6 Week Reset?

Any change in diet or reset can be difficult (especially if you have a violent sweet tooth like me) but enjoy the journey and get excited about all the amazing healthy fuel you are giving your body and just take it meal by meal. And I mean how could you not get excited by some of these recipes?!

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