Getting Active Outside This Summer To Support Your Weight Loss Journey

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Our nutritionist Caitlin shares 5 reasons that getting active outside can support your weight loss journey.

With longer days and warmer weather, summer is the perfect time to get active outdoors. Whether it be moving your mat outside, checking out local walking tracks, or incorporating activity into your holiday, there are plenty of ways to be active this summer.  

We’ve all heard that being active is beneficial for weight loss, but did you know that getting outside can provide added benefits? Here are the top 5 ways getting active outside this summer can support your weight loss journey.  

Greater Enjoyment  

Exercising outdoors is the perfect opportunity to explore your natural surroundings, which may increase feelings of enjoyment and motivation. With research suggesting exercising outdoors can feel easier than exercising indoors (1), you might even be able to exercise more without realising it!  

Improved Sleep 

Struggling to catch some z’s? Spending time outdoors may help regulate your internal body clock, making for better sleep at night (2). What’s more, research shows that regular outdoor physical activity can significantly increase sleep time (3), which may be beneficial for weight loss (4).  

Reduced Stress 

Most of us experience stress throughout the day but long-term stress can lead to hormonal releases that increase our appetite for high-calorie foods, making weight loss more difficult (5). Getting active outside can be a great way to overcome this, with studies showing exercising outside can reduce the production of stress hormones, not only resulting in a more relaxed state but also aiding your weight loss journey and overall health (1).  

Improved Appetite Control  

Sunlight and physical activity are thought to trigger the brain’s production of serotonin. Serotonin is typically known as the ‘feel-good’ chemical, but did you know that it may also play a key role in appetite control? Serotonin increases feelings of fullness and satisfaction, which can help reduce caloric intake (6). 

You Can Make It Social!  

No one wants to have a deep and meaningful in the middle of the gym but getting outdoors means endless opportunities to catch up with your mates. Research shows you’re more likely to exercise when you surround yourself with other active people (7), so grab your mates and head to your local park or beach. What’s more, you’ll be so busy spilling the tea, you won’t even realise you’re exercising!  

While there are numerous benefits to getting active outside this summer, too much sun exposure can be damaging. For tips on safe sun exposure check out 

Caitlin McKenzie 


  1. The great outdoors: how a green exercise environment can benefit all – PMC ( 
  1. Entrainment of the Human Circadian Clock to the Natural Light-Dark Cycle – PMC ( 
  1. The relations between sleep, time of physical activity, and time outdoors among adult women ( 
  1. Short Sleep Duration and Weight Gain: A Systematic Review – Patel – 2008 – Obesity – Wiley Online Library 
  1. Frontiers | Eating behavior and stress: a pathway to obesity ( 
  1. Emerging Roles for Serotonin in Regulating Metabolism: New Implications for an Ancient Molecule | Endocrine Reviews | Oxford Academic ( 
  1. Exercise contagion in a global social network | Nature Communications 

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