Easy Homemade Wholemeal Flatbreads

Easy Homemade Wholemeal Flatbreads, Serves 6

With no kneading, this flatbread recipe is great to whip up when you're short on time without sacrificing the flavour of freshly made bread. Use it to dip into hummus, fill it and eat it like a taco or just enjoy them on their own!
If you haven't discovered it already, this recipe is from our Add Ons section. You can find this kit and more available to add to your next delivery after choosing your dinner recipes.
Servings 6



  • 150 g Greek yoghurt
  • 1 pack wholemeal flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder ^
  • 1/2 tsp salt ^

Pantry Staples ^


    • Mix together yoghurt, flour, baking powder and salt measure in a large bowl until it forms a large ball. Knead dough on a clean surface, until no longer sticking to your hands (add a little bit more flour as needed).
    • Divide dough in half, then each half into 3 so you have 6 pieces. Lightly oil your work surface and roll out each piece of dough as thin as possible.
    • Heat a nonstick frypan on medium-high heat and cook flatbreads for about 1 minute each side, until golden and puffed slightly.
    • Brush cooked flatbreads with melted butter or garlic butter or serve plain.
    Calories: 110kcal

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